• Outwest BBS rules Lemonade door game

    From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to All on Sun Jun 2 21:45:09 2024
    1.] OUTWEST1 $727,424.00
    2.] OUTWEST5 $653,398.00
    3.] OUTWEST3 $549,909.49
    4.] TACOPRTO79 $381,783.46
    5.] CLUTCH470 $364,422.43
    6.] OUTWEST7 $318,543.73
    7.] KK4QBN23 $83,227.94
    8.] OUTWEST6 $1,634.00
    9.] BLOODBBS113 $862.57
    10.] Nobody $.00

    Alltime High Score Is: $899,322.12 on 08-19-2018
    The Score Was Set By: OUTWEST1
    Last Months Score Was: $853,304.00 by OUTWEST1
    Bulletin Updated On: 06-02-2024 15:58:52

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
  • From fusion@VERT/CFBBS to Denn on Mon Jun 3 02:47:00 2024
    On 02 Jun 2024, Denn said the following...

    1.] OUTWEST1 $727,424.00
    2.] OUTWEST5 $653,398.00
    3.] OUTWEST3 $549,909.49
    4.] TACOPRTO79 $381,783.46
    5.] CLUTCH470 $364,422.43
    6.] OUTWEST7 $318,543.73
    7.] KK4QBN23 $83,227.94
    8.] OUTWEST6 $1,634.00
    9.] BLOODBBS113 $862.57
    10.] Nobody $.00
    Alltime High Score Is: $899,322.12 on 08-19-2018
    The Score Was Set By: OUTWEST1
    Last Months Score Was: $853,304.00 by OUTWEST1
    Bulletin Updated On: 06-02-2024 15:58:52


    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: cold fusion - cfbbs.net - grand rapids, mi
  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to fusion on Mon Jun 3 03:21:09 2024
    Re: Re: Outwest BBS rules Lemonade door game
    By: fusion to Denn on Sun Jun 02 2024 09:47 pm

    1.] OUTWEST1 $727,424.00
    2.] OUTWEST5 $653,398.00
    3.] OUTWEST3 $549,909.49
    4.] TACOPRTO79 $381,783.46
    5.] CLUTCH470 $364,422.43
    6.] OUTWEST7 $318,543.73
    7.] KK4QBN23 $83,227.94
    8.] OUTWEST6 $1,634.00
    9.] BLOODBBS113 $862.57
    10.] Nobody $.00
    Alltime High Score Is: $899,322.12 on 08-19-2018
    The Score Was Set By: OUTWEST1
    Last Months Score Was: $853,304.00 by OUTWEST1
    Bulletin Updated On: 06-02-2024 15:58:52


    :) the the competition begin!

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net
  • From Denn@VERT/OUTWEST to fusion on Sun Jun 9 02:51:17 2024
    Re: Re: Outwest BBS rules Lemonade door game
    By: Denn to fusion on Sun Jun 02 2024 10:21 pm


    :) Let the competition begin!

    Lemonade's Top Ten Players!

    Players Name Score
    1.] OUTWEST1 $727,424.00
    2.] OUTWEST5 $653,398.00
    3.] OUTWEST3 $549,909.49
    4.] OUTWEST7 $507,940.52
    5.] HDCAFE2 $502,685.42
    6.] GATEBBS729 $410,386.20
    7.] TACOPRTO79 $381,783.46
    8.] CLUTCH470 $364,422.43
    9.] SLINKY74 $364,399.84
    10.] KK4QBN23 $83,227.94

    Alltime High Score Is: $899,322.12 on 08-19-2018
    The Score Was Set By: OUTWEST1
    Last Months Score Was: $853,304.00 by OUTWEST1
    Bulletin Updated On: 06-08-2024 10:35:16

    Come on tacopronto.

    þ Synchronet þ the Outwest BBS - outwestbbs.com or outwest.synchro.net